Health, Wellness, and Creativity for you

Posts tagged ‘stomach’

It’s just a back tooth, just pull it.

For my first blog, I’ll start with what I know best- teeth. There are four types of teeth in your mouth, each serving a different function. Your front teeth are called incisors because that is their function. They incise- or scissor- your food. Their eating function is to cut the lettuce from your sandwich while the canines hold it still when you bite into it. They do not chew food at all. If you chew with them, you wear them into tiny stubs, eventually losing them.

Your molars- the big flat ones in the back- chew food. The bicuspids push the food backward so the molars can chew it to mush, mixing it with saliva beginning the entire digestion process. When one swallows the food before it is mush- whether from gulping too quickly or not having molars with which to chew- the stomach must work extra hard to form the next digestive process. And then the intestines have to do double time to pull the proper nutrients from the non-meshed food.  It is all connected- just one long (approximately 30 foot) tube from end(mouth) to end (anus). If you cannot chew right, you will not pooh right.

Molars, mixing food with saliva, can determine your entire digestive procedure. IBS, Crohn’s, lack of vitamins, even bloating could all be related to not properly chewing food.

You need your molars. Save them.